Another year over, and another successful conference held in Manchester for the CMSUK. For those of you who were unable to attend this time we have included a summary of the speakers, and a biography of the winner of our first Case Manager of the Year Award.
The three finalists were all very deserving of praise for their efforts on their clients' behalves. We decided on
We've been debating about what CMSUK wants from a patron for some time now. Those of you who attended our conference a few weeks ago may have noticed the board we put up asking for suggestions.
Can any of our members suggest a patron who could help us open doors within health and social care, and help to raise our profile and to consolidate our credibility?
Please don't nominate a celebrity unless you feel that they will have a significant long term interest in the activities of our members and the well being of our clients.
I'm still hoping for a more snappy name for the newsletter, The Case Manager Review.... The Case Manager Gazette.... I'm just not getting it right, I need help! Please help us with interesting News items, these only need to be a few sentences, or less!
We all hope our members have a very merry Christmas, and a happy New Year
Liz Haunch
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