Welcome to the new look Newsletter. Hopefully you will find the new format easier and more interesting to read. The newsletter will be more colourful, and be sent out more frequently.
As you will be aware, we have announced the dates and venue for the conference, and the uptake for places has already started, so please be quick if you wish to take advantage of the Early Bird offer. The conference is on 3rd and 4th of November, and the Early Bird offer ends on 31st May. We are very pleased to confirm that our delegate prices have not increased since 2008. Please see the events section for details of this and the study day on 12th May.
We all work with people who are struggling with traumatic events in their lives, and so I'm sure you will agree with all of us on the board that our hearts go out to anyone connected to the dreadful events in Japan this month.
We also want to congratulate Sam Harris, board member and co-lead of the Events and Education Committee both for becoming our Vice Chair, and for her forthcoming wedding on 9th April. Have a wonderful day Sam!
Liz Haunch
As always we wish to thank those companies which provide their important support
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