I am extremely pleased to welcome our new Director, Adam Shelverton to the Newsletter, who will be sharing the editorial responsibilities alongside me, with the aim of improving every aspect of the Newsletter.
Adam's input has already started to make significant improvements, and he and Spencer will be looking at ways of making the layout more attractive, and easier to access.
This months issue will inform and update you on:
CMSUK's Board and commitee activities
CMSUK's 2012's conference and year end round up
A preview of things to come in 2013
We are always keen to improve the Newsletter, and throughout 2013 there will be improvements to layout and content. However it is your Newsletter, and therefore we'd love to hear your feedback and any ideas around what you would like to see contents wise moving forwards.
Liz Haunch
As always we wish to thank those companies which provide their important support
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