Its been a busy last few months since the last Newsletter and not just for CMSUK. June and July saw the arrival of the fabled summer sun. Its arrival didn't just bring the much welcomed heat but also a new British Wimbledon champion and a new royal arrival in line to the throne to mention but a few.
The CMSUK board presented to its corporate members on the 11th of July. There had been great progress against 2013 objectives across all the CMSUK boards.
The events committee is busy adding the finishing touches for the conference in November. Also they are scouting event venues for 2014 in the Midlands area so if anyone has any venues suggestions then please get in touch.
The Membership committee also deserves a special mention and congratulations as this month they hit the target of 500 CMSUK members. Although all the CMSUK boards have played their part in achieving this.
If you have any stories you wish to submit for the Newsletter or have any ideas as to how to improve it then please get in touch.
Adam and Liz
As always we wish to thank those companies which provide their important support
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