Welcome to our autumn edition of the CMSUK Newsletter. As the weather begins to cool and we draw excitingly closer to the year’s end, activities within CMSUK have certainly begun to heat up.
The Post Rehabilitation First Awards in September saw the industry come together to recognise some of our stars and set the stage for our own CMSUK Conference in November. With an exceptional line up of speakers and topics, this year’s conference ‘Touching a Nerve’ is set to be one of, if not our best yet. In line with the theme being spinal injuries, the breakout sessions have been structured to ensure delegates are able to attend either catastrophic or non-catastrophic sessions and benefit by gaining the most relevant information for their roles.
Being new to the world of coordinating our Newsletter I was impressed to see the variety of articles and features our members contribute. Should you wish to write or share any articles you feel would be of interest to our industry please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.
This month’s newsletter is jam-packed with features from corporate members, Dorset Orthopaedics and Pace Rehabilitation, feedback from some of our members on September’s ‘Benefits & Welfare Study Day’ and a thought provoking article on an often overlooked activity of daily living, sex.
Of course, don’t forget to keep up to date up to date with breaking news and discussions in between newsletters by joining our LinkedIn page at:
So with just under three months until Christmas and 38 days before our conference, it is time to get out your winter coats and join me in looking forward to discovering who will win the prestigious CMSUK Case Manager of the Year award.
Tess Marshall
As always we wish to thank those companies which provide their important support
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