Welcome to the July edition of the CMSUK Newsletter.
We are now over half way through 2014 and the weather thankfully seems to be hotting up. CMSUK events and courses also are heading in the same direction and we are putting more of these on for our memebers than ever before.
Although the summer has only really just begun, already it feels like we have had a fantastic summer of British sport with Wimbledon, Silverstone Grand Prix, The Tour de France and the FIFA World cup in it's final exciting stages.
However don't let the sport distract you as we have some great networking events coming up around the country exclusive for CMSUK members - they are a great opportunity to catch up with peers and discuss current issues. Also, don't miss out on the annual CMSUK Annual Conference & AGM 'Controlling Cost & Retaining Quality in Life & Work' which is promising to be a great 2 days, which apart from a full dual streamed programme, will also include the presentation at the Dinner Dance of this year's CMSUK Case Manager of the Year Award (see below for details of how to place your nominations). Book now to make use of our early bird booking rates - they won't stay around for long!
Many Thanks
Adam Shelverton
As always we wish to thank those companies which provide their important support:
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