Our annual conference was true to form and was a fantastic success. We had some terrific local and global industry leading speakers over the two days and the feedback received via our new conference app has been overwhelmingly positive. The dinner and dance was great fun as the pictures demonstrate and networking took on a new twist with the networking game/competition.
Whilst it was our last conference at Gatwick for the immediate future we certainly went out with a bang.
Next years conference is lining up to be arguably a MEGA CONFERENCE, as we move to a new conference location at Nottingham and for the first time join up with VRA and BABICM.
If you can only attend one event next year this has surely got to be it!
Once again we enlisted the services of Eric Pearce Photography to take lots of photos of the Conference and Dinner Dance and both the photos and a video can be viewed by clicking the links below:
We are delighted to announce that the 2015 Conference will be a joint conference for Case Managers and VR professionals. Currently CMSUK and VRA are on board and BABICM are considering joining. The aim of a joint conference is to provide greater opportunities for all members by providing 3 streams of talks, presentations and work shops alongside a large Exhibition area. This event will be held on 12th & 13th November 2015 at the East Midlands Conference Centre. Please look out for advertisements in the New Year and we look forward to seeing you all there.
Adam Shelverton
As always we wish to thank those companies which provide their important support:
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