36. STUDY DAY - Sex, Disability and the Law Part 2 - 22nd November 2024 - London

In an important judgement handed down by the Court of Appeal, following the matter of A Local Authority v C & Ors [2021] EWCOP 25, the Court has provided some awaited guidance as to whether care teams and carers can help vulnerable clients engage the services of a sex worker.

It was accepted that there may be limited circumstances where it might be appropriate for the Court of Protection to endorse a care plan where there was provision for engaging in sexual relations, but only where it is lawful and, in the clients, best interests. This study day will debate and look at the legal challenges and interpretation of the law.

For now, the legal stance taken from this ruling is that assisting a vulnerable person to engage the services of a sex worker will require a change in the law. Lets look at the interpretation of this ruling which is not clear. Best interest ? Who decides ? Is sex a human right?

We will be hearing from a neuro psychologist, human rights lawyer and solicitors grappling with the interpretation. Case managers and clients will have an opportunity to debate the legal position. As case managers and solicitors in Court of Protection we play an important role in protecting our clients, and advocating… has this ruling gone a step too far ? Case managers and solicitors are confused by the current ruling, and this study day aims to give clarity and deeper understanding of the law around the engagement and facilitation of sex workers


09.30 - 09.50 hrs - Registration & Refreshments

09.50 – 10.00 hrs  - Sponsor 10 minute talk

10.00 - 10.40 hrs - Alex Ruck Keene KC (hon)

10.40 – 11.20 hrs - Professor Claire de Than

11.20 - 11.50 hrs - Coffee

11.50 - 12.30 hrs - Beaver Meadow

12.30 - 13.10 hrs - Michelle Donald

13.10 - 14.10 hrs - Lunch, Network and Exhibition Stands

14.10 - 14.50 hrs - Dr Catriona McIntosh

14.50 - 15.30 hrs - Sue Lennon

15.30 - 15.45 hrs - Coffee

15.45 - 16.15 hrs  - Heidi Herkes

16.15 - 16.45 hrs - Panel Discussion & Q&A

16.45 hrs - FINISH


1. Headline Sponsor: £1200

The package includes:

  • 10 minute speaker slot
  • Opportunity to Chair the event
  • Exhibition stand with 2 delegate passes
  • Full page advert in digital program
  • Opportunity to provide personalised pads, pens, and merchandise with your company name
  • Company logo on all advertising material and a link to your website in digital marketing

2. Exhibition Stands for £500 each

3. Programme Adverts:

  • Full-color A4 page advert in delegate pack: £100 
  • Full-color ½ page advert in delegate pack: £75 

To download the booking form CLICK HERE. Once completed, please email the form to hayley.williamson@cmsuk.org


Alex Ruck Keene KC (Hon) is an experienced barrister, writer and educator. His practice at 39 Essex Chambers is focused on mental capacity, mental health and healthcare law. He also writes extensively, editing and contributing to leading textbooks, and is the creator of the website Mental Capacity Law and Policy.   Alex complements his practice with a deep interest in research and education. Amongst other positions, he is a Professor of Practice at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London and a Visiting Professor at the Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory, University of West London.   Alex now spends much of his time on policy matters, including, currently, as a consultant on the Law Commission’s Disabled Children Social Care project.  In March 2022, Alex was made an honorary KC, reflecting his contributions to mental capacity and mental health law outside the court room.


Professor Claire de Than is an award-winning senior legal academic of more than 25 years’ standing, and Chair of the Jersey Law Commission, currently working on a Criminal Code and on laws relating to open justice.

She has over 85 academic publications in total, including more than 15 books, chapters in leading legal monographs and edited collections, and articles in a variety of leading national and international journals, including the Modern Law Review and the Criminal Law Review. Her publications and reform proposals have been adopted by governments, regulators and professions around the world. Her legal research fields include disability rights law, media law, financial law, criminal law, comparative law of tiny jurisdictions, trusts, environmental crimes and human rights law, and she is also expert in management and finance, all of which she is able to teach at any level. She is also regularly consulted on public and strategic policy.She has been an expert for the Law Commission of England and Wales on two recent projects, and made many media appearances as a legal expert. She has advised governments large and small and many organisations on human rights and law reform issues, amongst other things. She is the Chair of several charities.


Bea Meadow is a pioneer in Sex & Intimacy Coaching and Partner Surrogacy, specialising in working with people with disabilities, neurodiversity, chronic health conditions and terminal illnesses for over 20 years. Trained in Dance Movement Therapy, Psychosexual Somatics and the Wheel of Consent, Bea combines therapeutic principles, conscious sex work and consent dialogues to help people explore, discover and express sex and intimacy safely. Advocating via mainstream and social media platforms, and driving groundbreaking projects, Bea promotes ‘conscious sexuality,’ and ‘Sex and Intimacy for everyBODY’.

Michelle Donald  (PG Dip PST) is an Accredited Psychosexual Therapist; a senior member of the College Of Sex and Relationship Therapists. (COSRT). Her expertise is in the areas of sexual issues related to spinal cord injury and the strains on a relationship that SCI may bring with it.  Her long-term aim is focused on the development of a comprehensive sexual education programme within rehabilitation centres and care agencies. 

Michelle believes it is necessary to address the issue of how important sexuality is after a spinal cord injury, knowing that this aspect is often neglected, with the focus being on physical issues. A supportive and informative environment is established where people can explore their own ideas, practice tasks that are given in therapy, at home, and discuss feelings and concerns around their sexuality promoting them to ask questions they may not have felt they could.  Michelle currently provides education and therapy programmes to patients and staff at STEPS Neurological centre in Sheffield to enable staff feel more comfortable in opening up these conversations and for patients help with feelings about embarking on a different intimate life.  

Michelle currently is working actively with The Contemporary Institute of Clinical Sexology as a Tutor, Cauda Equina Champions Charity, Enhance UK advising on their Love Lounge, The Back Up Trust, Private Clients, Case Managers, Solicitors and SHADA (Sexual Health disability alliance. 

Michelle is proud to have been part of a research project that was published, looking at women’s experiences of sexuality after SCI. A full copy of the research can be found in the November 2018 issue of Spinal Cord journal. 

Most recently Michelle was Co-Chair and founder of the Love Abilities Global Festival.  The world’s first virtual festival of love, sex, and intimacy for disabled people consisting of 29 sessions and 50 presenters. 

Dr Catriona McIntosh is a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist from Yorkshire Neuropsychology who works as a treating psychologist and expert witness for the courts. She has a special interest in sexual relationships capacity assessments and supporting people with brain injury with their rehabilitation needs. She frequently works with care teams to assist them in understanding the legal and clinical frameworks for these areas and in promoting discussions about sexual needs and intimacy. She promotes the view that sexual or relationships needs can and should be an integrated part of brain injury rehabilitation which is relevant to interdisciplinary working and promoting recovery.

Sue Lennon's career has been in the caring profession – and always with heavy involvement in teaching and developing others. Sue qualified as a nurse in 1989 and worked throughout her 28-year nursing career in oncology, ending with 14 years as the senior nurse for a multi-disciplinary Uro-Oncology team, where she recognised that the sexual impact of malignant disease and treatment was largely ignored, so set out to put that right and qualified as a Psychosexual Therapist.  A PST service was then delivered alongside her nursing rôle and she now specialises in the sexual rehabilitation of those living with a life changing illness or injury, delivered online from her home in France.

Her work with spinally injured people who employ their own PA’s opened up another area of interest – the delivery of Clinical Supervision (CS) and she decided to train as a clinical supervisor to ensure that those working with people who have complex care needs are supported and educated and indeed celebrated in their work.  With her post grad in Clinical Supervision (CS), she now delivers this support for groups of PA’s, specialist nurses and trainee therapists and her goal is to grow a positive CS culture for everyone working in the field.

Heidi Herkes is a disabled lifestyle influencer dedicated to breaking down the barriers of disability. With a keen interest in travel & style, she shares her daily experiences to inspire and motivate others, proving that style and adventure are accessible to everyone.

Paypal or BACS transfer payments accepted only.

The member rate applies to those with a paid annual membership only and not those with a pending or lapsed membership.  Delegate passes are non-transferrable and non-refundable.  

Please bring ID with you on the 22nd November 2024

If you have any questions or queries please email us info@cmsuk.org or call 01329 446959.

Venue Irwin Mitchell, 40 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1N 2PZ
Date Friday 22nd November 2024
9:30 am - 4:45 pm
Contact Hayley Williamson
Email info@cmsuk.org

Event prices

34 places available

Member Price Non Member Price Expiry Date
Sex, Disability and the Law - 22nd November 2024
Venue: Irwin Mitchell, 40 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1N 2PZ
£120.00 £ 145.00
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